About me
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Hi there, I am Andy Zhang. A PHD Student at University of Tennessee at Knoxville
Welcome to my personal Website, I am here to share my experiences with everyone!
Hi there, I am Andy Zhang. A PHD Student at University of Tennessee at Knoxville
Stemming from Environmental Resources background and the ties with Appalachia
My masters degree was focused on energy environment analysis, specifically the adaptation of sustainable renewable energy in West Virginia, a traditional coal energy state. In this research I utilized suitability analysis to identify regions in West Virginia that is spatially and economically feasible for distributed energy construction
The Rich Land with Poor People: Geospatial Analysis of Water Security and Water Infrastructure Challenges in Central Appalachia
The perception of "good" water security in the Eastern US may be attributed to a disregard for socio-economic and infrastructure accessibility aspects of water resources since many previous studies have narrowly focused solely on water quantity or quality.Central Appalachia stands out as a significant region in the Eastern US, yet it has often been overlooked despite its plentiful water resources. Despite the abundance of natural water resources, many Appalachia rural communities are often semi-off-grid and far away from any centralized water distribution system and communities in the area have been negatively impacted by a series of water-related challenges, spanning from concerns over water quality to issues of accessibility. These challenges are compounded by aging infrastructure, industrial legacies, and socioeconomic disparities, presenting formidable obstacles to establishing equitable and sustainable water management practices.